Get the Facts on COVID-19

With the spread of misinformation on social media, you may have questions about COVID-19, the Delta variant, the COVID-19 vaccine, masks and other related topics. Ochsner LSU Health is here to give you the facts.

Check vaccine availability and schedule your vaccination via MyChart or call 318-626-0050 for Shreveport and 318-330-7599 for Monroe.

MyChart Call 318-626-0050 Call 318-330-7599 Vaccine FAQs

Ochsner LSU Health Physicians Address COVID-19 Vaccine Misconceptions

Obstetrics and Gynecology Women's Health Nurse Practitioner, Latoya Gipson shares why pregnant, breastfeeding or women who plan to conceive children in the future are recommended to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

For more videos, visit the Ochsner LSU Health YouTube channel

Download Fact Sheets

Get the facts: Breakthrough cases Get the facts: Delta variant Get the facts: Unvaccinated risks Get the facts: Masks work

Get the facts: Long term effects of COVID Get the facts: Vaccine effects Get the facts: Vaccines, fertility and pregnancy

Get the facts: Vaccines in ages 12-18 Get the facts: Keeping kids safe at school Get the facts: Natural immunity and vaccines

Get the facts: Third vaccine dose